The answer is yes. However, there is one condition: You must have a successful blog. You can only make money if you have an audience, and money follows large groups of people. It takes a lot to create a quality blog, and not everyone is capable of it. Here are some tips to ensure you are.
Have solid content, and stick to a topic.
You need to produce quality blog posts and other kinds of content, so your readers are engaged and feel the need to return. The way to do this is with focus. Find an interesting topic that will attract attention. Originality is always important, but choosing a popular topic is also advantageous.
Once you have this great subject, stick with it. With all the overwhelming information and entertainment on the internet, visitors want something they can understand quickly. If you blog is a dancing mesh of topics without any core, the reader won’t waste their time. Keep it focused. This will keep your blogging career’s nose above water.
Have a good theme.
This is your introduction to the internet. If a visitor arrives at your page with blaring colors, flashing graphics, and hard-to-find navigation tabs, the trouble will quickly become more than it’s worth and you’ll lose a follower. Followers are the heart of a blog; it can’t function without them. So make sure to have a welcoming theme that doesn’t deter visitors, while still being unique to you and your site.
Have time for the blog.
You can create a wonderful blog, but if you don’t devote enough time to it, it’ll never achieve success. Then all your time is wasted. Maybe blogging isn’t for you, and that’s fine; but if you want to start a blog, be sure of your decision before you commit. Once you start, you have to be consistent in your posts and interaction; you have to be present; and you have to be fresh with new content and new things to engage your readers.
Have a memorable URL.
You need a title web surfers will remember, and one that fits your blog’s topic.
Chose a type of hosting.
Having your own space on the internet can be spendy, such as in the case of paid domains. These costly domains give you a firm platform to build off of and offer you more security for your site. However, there are cheaper alternatives. There are several sites, such as WordPress and Tumblr, which offer free blogs for your use. The downsides are the small “” lines attached to the end of your blog, as well as limits to how much you can advertise and what you can upload. Additionally, should this host site decide they don’t like your blog, they can delete it. So you’re saving money, but at a risk.
Conclusion: You can have a career in blogging, but it will take time and careful choices. Above are a few tips to help you achieve this goal.